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Shopping Apps

Shopping App Reviews

Shopping is one of the most fun and therapeutic activities known to man, but when you are using a crappy shopping app the entire experience could be compromised.  A good shopping app should be easy to browse items, provide you with a good amount of info on the products, and make checkout very simple. However, these days there are so many crappy shopping apps and you really need to be careful.

The worst type of shopping app is the one that tries to sell generic crap products for a higher price. One of the key things we look for in shopping apps that curate products is that the products they select are high quality and priced fairly. Just because someone built a fancy app doesn’t mean they get to resell you cheap Amazon and AliExpress products for more money.

Since there are so many different types of shopping apps, our goal is to focus on the more main stream apps along with the ones picking up steam and press. We also like focusing on ones that have a unique niche within the crowded marketplace. E-commerce business has grown exponentially over the last 10 years, and over the next 10 years it will grow even more. We hope to make an impact by providing people with shopping app reviews that help them make the right decisions.

When we review shopping apps we look at the following criteria:

  • Market Position – does the app have a unique offering? Good niche that nobody else is focusing on?
  • Usability – is it easy to browse? Do the product descriptions read okay and give you enough info? Too many products? Not enough products? Is it easy to checkout and make a purchase?
  • Products – does the app offer unique products? Quality products? Same products as everywhere else for a higher price?
  • Price – are the prices high or low compared to other major shopping apps and websites? Do they have sales? Promotions? Rewards for using the app frequently?
  • Customer Service – do people reply to you if you have a question? How long does it take to get a reply? What is the return policy like?

If you have any suggestions about what shopping apps we should test out then please let us know.


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