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Entertainment Apps

Entertainment App Reviews

What are entertainment apps? Well, they consist of all of those wonderful music, movie, video, & TV show apps that people use all over the world. I’m sure you’ve heard of Hulu and YouTube, but there are hundreds of awesome, and not so awesome, entertainment apps that you probably have never even heard of. Not only do we test out the most popular household names of the entertainment app world, but we also try to find cool ones that you maybe haven’t heard of yet.

Watching your favorite movies and listening to the best music on the go can make all of the difference when you have some time to kill. The last thing you want is for your experience to be interrupted and ruined because the app you’re using sucks. We provide app reviews for entertainment apps so that this never happens to you. We want to make sure that you have access to the most trustworthy info when you are choosing between the top entertainment apps in the app store.

It’s hard to trust people’s opinions because they are obviously going to be biased towards the app they like the most. However, it’s our job to be unbiased and provide you with the most real and strait forward info out there. A lot of the best entertainment apps require some type of subscription, so before you enter in your credit card number just check out what we have to say first. We strive to find the best entertainment apps the app stores have to offer.

This is some of the criteria we look at when reviewing entertainment apps:

  • Price – how much does the app cost to use? Are there different packages? How long do you have to subscribe for to get the best rate?
  • Features – does the app have unique content that is not offered on other apps? Does it allows for playback and downloading?
  • Usability – how long does it take to download content to listen to or watch? Is the app easy to use?
  • Overall Quality – depending on what type of app it is (music, videos, movies, TV), we will review it based on it’s own inherent criteria for whatever sub niche it falls into.

To suggest an entertainment app for us to review and show to the world, please message us here.


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