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Game Apps

Game App Reviews

Games are one of the main reasons why so many people spend big money on expensive smart phones with large HD screens. Social media is fun, but game apps are where lots of people spend the majority of their time on mobile. From multi-player strategy games, to word games and puzzle games, game apps bring so many people so much joy every day. There had to be a time in your life where you at least tested out Candy Crush, right?

If you’ve ever played game apps on your phone then you know how addicting they can be. We want to provide some great game app reviews so we can make sure you get addicted to the best ones. Installing a new game up can take a while, and by the time you register and learn how to play you might be out of time for the day. We want to test out a large variety of game apps so that your time doesn’t get wasted. Since there is such a large variety of games we really try to test as many as possible across as many different genres as possible.

Game app reviews are fun to do because lots of app games are so simple and easy to use. However, there are some game apps that are quite complex and take some time to learn how to play, so for those ones we really just try to do our best and show you the basic foundation of the game to see if it’s something you want to dive deeper in.

When we test out game apps we focus on the following criteria:

  • Overall Fun – we really try to take a step back and decide if a game is really fun and worth playing
  • Graphics – part of the joy of playing game apps is the graphics, so we take a close look to see how good they are
  • Difficulty – some games are really hard to play and can result in lots of frustration
  • Time Required – some game apps require the user to put in a ridiculous amount of time to get anywhere fun in the game
  • Monetization – does the game make money with annoying ads? Do they basically force people to make in-app purchases in order to do anything?

If you have any games that you want us to test out and review then let us know.

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